Talk at the rC3 2021 now/here
I gave a talk on the rC3 2021 now/here with the title “Do-It-Yourself Heizenergie-Optimierung mit einem Neuronalen Netzwerk” on the channel about:future / hacc München.
The slides of my talk can be found here (in German only). The recorded talk can be found here (in German).
Scientific Interest
My scientfic interest was the field of nano-optics. My diploma thesis consisted of building up an near-field optical microscope.
As a PhD-student at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research I was exploiting the apertureless near-field microscopy to investigate plasmon resonances. This work is important to get a better understanding of plasmonic resonant structures, e.g. particle plasmons, optical antennas and metamaterials.
As a post-doc I investigated the promissing properties of optical antennas at the 4th Physics Institute of the University of Stuttgart. The following review article gives a nice overview about optical antennas: doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/2/024402.
For my scientific work I used different microscopy techniques (apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy, confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy) and several laser sources (Ti:sapphire: 700 nm – 1000 nm, optical parametric oscillator: 1.5 μm – 3.8 μm).
I studied physics at the universities of Konstanz (Germany) and Adelaide (Australia). I completed my studies with my diploma thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart.
While studying I was also active member of several boards. Among other things I was an elected member of the faculty board of the physics department, the senate of the university and the board of management of the student union.
Other Interests
One of my biggest hobbys is skiing. While becomming a skiing instructor I learned the current carving technique.
In my spare time I also like to do photography and juggling.